Agilent 1100 Series G1364A AFC Automatic Fraction Collector

7 742€

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Код товара: Agilent 1100 Series G1364A AFC Automatic Fraction Collector
Производитель: Agilent Technologies
Состояние: Восстановленное Б/У
Гарантия: 365 дней

Agilent 1100 Series G1364A AFC Automatic Fraction Collector


Agilent 1100 series G1364A  AFC Automatic Fraction Collector в отличном состоянии. 

Технические характеристика Agilent 1100 Series G1364A  Automatic Fraction Collector System:
  • Trigger modes: Time slices, Peak (threshold, up- / downslope), Timetable, Manual trigger
  • Operating modes: Discrete fractions:default mode for all vessels. The flow is diverted to waste, while moving from one vessel position to the next vessel position.
  • Continuous flow: Optional available only when using the deep well plates. It is possible to move from one well plate position to the next one without diverting the flow into the well plates to waste.
  • Needle into location: Needle pushes into the vessel as deep as specified, for the use with capped vials and test tubes and well plates with closing mats.
  •  Max height for tube/plate: 48 mm.
  •  Max tube volume: ca. 20 ml or unlimited, if funnels are used with external containers.
  •  Flow rate: 10 ml/min (depending on viscosity and generated back pressure, max 6 bar at the diverter valve).
  • Safety features: Leak detection and safe leak handling, error detection and display, exhaust fan for fume extraction of hazardous vapors.

For a complete system see:

  • Agilent 1200 Series UVD HPLC System (Degasser, Iso Pump, AnalytFC, FC/ALS Therm, TCC, DAD)

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